Category Archives: Fishing Knots

Six Turn Knot

You can’t buy a good knot, but you can tie it!!

As promised in the previous post, here we began to talk about knots, because as I said before, one of the most important, are the knots, because a bad knot can make you lose your fish in a combat.

This particular one Light to Heavy line splice, for tying on thicker lines such as shock leaders..

– You can splice lines of dissimilar size by tying each single line together, which saves time, or by tying the heavier line to a doubled section of the lighter line, which adds strength.

The  knot wins partly because the standing line goes straight through the knot’s initial turns, instead of being quickly forced into a sharp bend as happens with  another splicing knots.

Click on the image to enlarge


Make six turns around the leader with the doubled line.
Thread the tag end of the leader through the double-line loop above the wraps.         Moisten and pull on the doubled line and the leader; make sure the leader’s tag end doesn’t pop out of the loop.
Overlap a doubled line  with the end of a heavier leader by 8 inches.

7 King Sling Knot (line 2 line)

The King sling knot offers is an easy to tie end loop knot which is used primarily as a conection for crank baits.

This Knot allows the lure to work freely, making it more lifelike, and resulting in more bites.
Insert tag end of line trought artificial bait so that it extends eight to ten inches
Hold the tag end and the standing line in your left hand, and form a loop.
With the bait in your right hand make four turns arround the tag end and the standing line avobe the loop.
Bring bait down and trhough the loop.

To tightten, hold line above the loop lenght and pull the tag ed and the standing line at the same time. Trim tag end

Strong Terminal Knot (6 turns)

You can’t buy a good knot. You have to tie it on your own!

Because the 6 turns uses wraps around both the tag end and standing line,  the knot has a better cushion and is stronger than clinch knots, which wrap only one strand.

The improved clinch owes its popularity to its old age: It was one of the first knots that worked well with monofilament line,…..Knots have since advanced.

5 Strong Terminal Knot (Six-turn

Thread the line through the hook eye and double it back 10 inches.
Wrap the tag end over itself and the standing line six times, moving toward the hook.
Pass the tag end through the first open loop at the hook eye.
Thread the tag end through the open loop at the top of the knot.
Lubricate and tighten by pulling the tag end and standing line, making sure the coils stay                  in  a spiral and don’t overlap.