Ursula’s Weekly Fish Report

August from the 3rd - 09, 2015 .

Overall Catch Success Rate All Species Combined 65%
AVERAGE CATCHES: Billfish 33%, Dorado 5%, Other 40%Billfish 64%, Tuna 13%, Dorado 3%, Other 9%.

Some days every boat spot marlin, some had a marlin, ather day caught nothing.The fish moved around. Mr. Harry Sparlow and family spent the day aboard our great 36′ Crystal Lyner  “Ursula IV” with Captain Ricardo at the helm and Miguel as his loyalty First mate aboard the Ursula IV and was one fortunate, as on August 05 they managed to release 2 striped marlin, and a regular size dorado
WEATHER:Wow, is Warmer than usual, very clear skies, little windy on the Pacific..
LOCATION:20-32 miles out from the 180 spot, 95 spot, Punta Gorda, La Laguna, Golden Gate 
BEST LURES:Caballito, green colors, guacamaya

1st. Place Catch and Release 11th. Annual Bisbee's Black and Blue Marlin Jackpot Tournament 1991.
Best Catch: Black Marlin 983lbs in 1996.
Members of the Independent Association Pioneers and Founders of Sport Fishing in Cabo San Lucas.